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Good Reads: Radical Homemakers

It really was the title that caused me to look twice. More specifically the word “radical”. I took a course on peace making in grad school and was surprised to learn the definition of the word radical.  One often thinks of “extreme” or “drastic” but the origin of the word means “to have roots”. Quiet different.

Because of cultural backlash the word “feminism” has somehow become very narrow. Women who have chosen not to work outside the home have faced criticism for not being “real” feminists. Recognizing that there in privilege in being able to “stay home” to raise one’s children (whether you are  male or female) what I love so much about feminism is that it gives women a choice. Women can choose to have no children. Women can choose to work and raise a family. Women can choose– that is what feminism is all about.

Now, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t strong stereotypes about homemaking (coincidentally the author holds a PhD!)

That’s why this book looks so interesting!

Here’s a little bit of background about the book:

Radical Homemakers uncovers a hidden revolution quietly taking hold across the United States.  It is the story of pioneering men and women who are redefining feminism and the good life by adhering to simple principles of ecological sustainability, social justice, community engagement and family well-being.  It explores the values, skills, motivations, accomplishments, power, challenges, joy and creative fulfillment  of Americans who are endeavoring to change the world by first reclaiming control of home and hearth.

You can see the book’s website here.

Another article about the book here.

Buy the book new or used here.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think?